Thursday, April 30, 2015

Plant-based Food For Live Earth 2015

Live Earth is an amazing event to create environmental awareness. This year Live Earth is taking place on June 18 across seven continents and broadcast to billions of global audience. To know more this event, visit

Al Gore, Kevin Wall and United Nations play a major role in conducting this event. Morrissey, a Singer and supporter of PETA is urging Al Gore to provide plant-based food(vegan food) for the Live Earth event on June 18.

Morrissey says, "Serving meat and dairy products at an event to combat climate change is like selling pistols at a gun-control rally. Your responsibility is to alert people to a crisis, not sell out to the vendors responsible for it." You can read, Morrissey's open-letter to Al Gore,

People concerned about environment should eat plant-based fare. I hope only plant-based food is available in Live Earth 2015 event !

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Americans Like Indian Food

Anupy Singla - A cookbook author , is inspiring Americans to cook Indian food. Many Americans love Indian food, but are overwhelmed to cook it at home. And it is really very hard to get good Indian food in the Indian restaurants. Indian food is very oily and they often use loads of butter.

Anupy Singla has a website, Indian as Apple Pie . Indian as Apple Pie is filled with many healthy and tasty recipes. Anupy Singla also conducts cooking classes in Chicago. I'm so happy that Anupy Singla is inspiring Americans to try vegetarian and vegan fare.

I just adore her book, Vegan Indian Cooking :140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes. I often make Tofu curry following the recipe from, Vegan India :140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes. Tofu curry taste awesome with Basmati rice. Methi Palak Aloo is another amazing recipe from this book.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Vegan Diet is Healthy

Vegan Diet is healthy if you eat whole grains, beans ,vegetables and fruits every day. I'm a vegan, and if I regularly eat white rice, chips ,vegan  sweets and oreo cookies, my health will not be in good condition.

I try to eat healthy vegan food every day. I try to eat quinoa or brown rice with sambar or curries. I eat banana or cucumber slices for snacks. Of course, I do eat vegan carrot halwa and oreo cookies once in a while!

I found few interesting articles related to healthy vegan diet (plant-based diet)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Meatless Monday

Many people concerned about the environment are eating less meat. United Nations is urging people to eat less Meat. Numerous towns and cities across the world are encouraging "Meatless Monday".
Los Angeles Times publishes meatless recipes every Monday. Meatless Monday is a global movement, encouraging people to try plant-based food.

Thanks to Meatless Monday, thousands of people are getting used to tasty and nutritious plant-based dishes. Fortunately,  meatless entrees is available in most of the restaurants.

Going meatless is great for our environment and health.

Here are some interesting links

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Eat More Fruits and Veggies - Save the Earth

Happy Earth Day. What we eat every day has a deep impact on our beautiful planet -Earth.

Eating vegan fare regularly is a great way to combat global warming. Meat and dairy industries require enormous quantity of water and they pollute air and water. According to a report published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, "the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent – 18 percent – than transport. It is also a major source of land and water degradation". United Nations is urging people to eat less MEAT.

From past few days, my son is having Banana smoothie for breakfast. I sometimes add berries or spinach to the Banana smoothie. I sometimes add dates or flaxseeds to the smoothie. I feel so good when my family eats nutritious food in the morning!

The internet is awash with some amazing smoothie recipes. Here are few links...

Here are few links as to how you can save the EARTH: