Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Protein-Rich Vegan Breakfast

Protein- rich vegan breakfast has been giving enormous energy and "guilt-free" happy feeling for millions of women across the world. I'm a vegan and start with my day with fruits. I usually eat mangoes, cherries or banana. Sometimes, I make yummy smoothies with banana, strawberries and few curry leaves or spinach leaves.  Around noon, I blend couple of dates, soaked almonds and walnuts to make nutritious drink. I sometimes add soaked cashew nuts, poppy seeds, chia seeds  or sesame seeds. This is so filling, and I don't feel like eating till six in the evening...

These days everyone I know is having green smoothie for breakfast! Greens such as spinach, kale , drumstick leaves, mint, cilantro or curry leaves is blended with fruits and dates. You should try green smoothie, if you have not yet tried it...

Today, I read interesting articles regarding nutritious vegan breakfast and lunch. Please read these amazing articles for ideas and tips to eat healthy nutritious fare every day!

1. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/high-protein-vegan-breakfasts

2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/07/25/the-best-ways-to-eat-chia-seeds_a_23046142/

3. http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/18521/lifestyle-diets/vegan/breakfast/


5.  http://www.dailynews.com/health/20170724/nutrition-a-smooth-way-to-make-sure-smoothies-are-healthful

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