Thursday, April 16, 2009

VegFest in Michigan

I live near Detroit, and it's easy to thrive on a vegan diet. These days almost all the major grocery stores carry vegan food itmes, everything from non-diary milk to ice cream.

If you are in Michigan and if you are interested to know more about the positive impact of plant-based diet on your health and on our planet, then you should attend the great event - VegFeast.

VegFest is organized by VegMichigan, the largest vegetarian organization in Michigan . VegFest is on April 26 in Ferndale . To know more about this wonderful event go to VegFest


Claudia said...

I do love Indian Food - vegan and non - from my aunt and uncle who lived there for four years. Lentils and pea curry,vegetable cutlets - all staples here in my Italian household. For my gatherings I do have vegan, vegetarian and meat entrees to please all palattes and belief-systems. Your blog is very informative!

Ann said...

Thanks Kumuda, for this info. will see if I can attend this event and may be meet you there :)

Priya Sriram said...

Hi Kumudha, I have shared an award with you in my blog.. Pls accept it :)

Deepa Hari said...

Thank you for stopping by Kumuda and for the lovely words....You have a nice blog...very informative.

Mihl said...

I wish I could go!

vidhas said...

Very informative, thanks for droppiong by.